Musical Groups for Bruce Zweig:

Italian Music Groups

Caffe Acustico is an ensemble with Bruce Zweig on piano, Tom Romero on guitar, and 4-7 mandolins: Matt Vucinich, Iona Ali, Carol Ginsburg, Bob Rizetto, Jan Fournier and Theresa DiFalco. We play on the First and Fourth Monday of each month at the Caffe Trieste in Berkeley, from 7-9 PM.

Mazurka Madness is an ensemble with Bruce Zweig on piano, David Wise on bouzouki, Julie Smolin on violin, and David "Gus" Garelick on mandolin and violin. We play on the first and last Sunday of each month at the Caffe Trieste in San Francisco's North Beach neighborhood, from 10:15 AM - 12:45 PM.

These groups play traditional Italian instrumental music based on the folk melodies of Napoli (Naples) and Sicilia (Sicily), with some other more modern tunes (Arrividerce Roma, O Sole Mio) added for variety.

All of the Italian groups derive from a mandolin player named Matteo Casserino (see below), who passed away several years ago and inspired many of the members with his wonderful playing. Matteo and I had a close relationship during the last years of his life, and his family was nice enough to entrust his mandolin to my care after the funeral.

Other Groups

Jamie Clark is a multi-talented singer, songwriter, and gutarist, and I occasionally play keyboards in his band. I have some recordings located here and I've written up charts for his songs and you can download them here.

I play blues with James Faifua and the Jukes from 4-8 PM on the first Saturday of each month at the Saloon in San Francisco.



You can call Bruce Zweig at 415-788-6473 for booking. My email address is

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Last updated November 8, 2017